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What Type of Church is NRCC?

New Richmond Christian Church is a non-denominational Church.

WHat is a non-Denominational Church?

There are many non-denominational churches all of which have differing views, values and beliefs. But a non-denominational church at its simplest definition, essentially means that there is not a governing structure outside or above of the local church body. This means the church is governed by the eldership and its congregation and not a organization, synod or denomination at large.

Do You associate with other churches?

Absolutely. Although we do not belong to a denomination we love to associate with like minded believers from other churches who hold to the essential truths of the scriptures and the historical doctrines of the church that were gathered from Gods Word. Being non denominational does not mean that NRCC is without doctrinal convictions and leanings. We love and cherish our relationships with our fellow brother and sisters in Christ who serve along side us their churches.